Emergency Help Needed in Peru

Dear Friend of St. Jude,
I need your urgent help for one of our Pallottine priests who “travels on a wing and a prayer” every day.
Father Manoel Vierira wrote to me recently requesting emergency help to purchase a reliable vehicle. You see, Father Manoel serves deep in the Andes Mountains of Peru, where he ministers to the poorest of God’s poor. This lost and abandoned community is comprised of some 27,000 people spread out in small villages over a hundred square miles. Due to the long travel time and distance, a new vehicle is absolutely necessary for Father Manoel to accomplish his mission.
The people lack basic services and live in desperate poverty. To serve them, Father Manoel must travel many tortuous miles over rugged roads and treacherous terrain. Now that the ministry has grown to two priests and three sisters, two vehicles are needed.
The priests and sisters need reliable transportation so they can share their faith, provide the sacraments, teach the children to read and write, and meet other basic needs. This new ministry fills a great void, as there have been no priests in this forgotten corner of the world for decades. The people hunger for faith and are eager to hear the Word of God.
It is my hope to raise $38,600 to purchase a new van for Father Manoel and adequate housing for our three new sisters. If you can open your heart to this urgent need, please send your most generous gift today. There is no greater work for all of us than to assure all people – especially the poor – of God’s deep love. Be sure to send your prayer requests with your gift.
Wishing you the hope of St. Jude,
Fr. Peter Sticco, S.A.C.
Novena Director
P.S. When you send your gift, please include your prayer requests so we can remember your needs at the Shrine and also at St. Jude’s tomb in the Vatican. Thank you!