Mary, Our Mother

Dear Friend of St. Jude,
I thank you from the bottom of my heart for your faithful membership in our Circle of Hope. Your prayers and generosity empower our priests and brothers to do the work God has called us to do. Together, we serve Christ in the poor.
For centuries, the Catholic Church has honored and venerated Mary, Mother of God. She is blessed, not only because she is the Mother of Jesus, but also because she trusted in the Lord’s words with all her heart. She embraced God and allowed herself to follow His Will throughout her life.
Because our Holy Mother cares for us without fail, interceding for us even in the smallest of matters, the Church devotes the entire month of May to honor her.

Just as we rely on our own mothers when we need help, we must also rely on Mary and the saints – especially St. Jude – to intercede for us before God in our times of need. Mary and St. Jude are powerful intercessors for us, and we need only to ask for their assistance through prayer.
The past year has been a difficult one for all of us. As we emerge from the tragedy of the COVID pandemic, we face new, and often unexpected challenges. If you need an intercessor to bring your petitions before our Lord, please send them to me.
Perhaps you are worried about a health issue…or you are struggling to make ends meet…or do you have a child who is having a hard time finding a job? Perhaps a family member needs help fighting an addiction…or is dealing with the long-term effects of the coronavirus. Whatever may be troubling you, please call on Mary and St. Jude to relieve your aching heart and fortify your faith in God.
We Pallottine priests and brothers are honored to pray for St. Jude’s help in bringing your prayer requests before God. I’ve included just a few of the many testimonials we receive every week from people giving thanks for St. Jude’s miraculous intercession.
After I learned that my mother had non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma, my mother and I prayed to St. Jude to bring her restoration of health. Six months later, my mother is now cancer free. Her prognosis is very good for a continued recovery. Thank you St. Jude for answered prayers. – Nancy
There have been several times I have felt hopeless because of my financial situation. As a single mother with three young children to support, there are times when the money just doesn’t go far enough, or some emergency comes up, and the money isn’t there. I pray to St. Jude and somehow, some way, things seem to work out. I am a firm believer that prayer works, and I always look to St. Jude when things look bleak. Thank you St. Jude for being there for those of us who need you. – Kris
When my mother was brought into the hospital a month ago, she was near death. The doctors said she had an infected gallbladder leading to sepsis of the intestines and renal failure. They gave her a 10% chance to live, and a 1% chance of surviving surgery to remove the gallbladder. I despaired until reminded of your power. As soon as I began praying the Novena to you, my mom began to get better and they decided to drain the gallbladder. She got strong enough for surgery, which was a complete success. Thank you St. Jude for your help in bringing my mom to better health. – Marta
When I receive your special intentions, please know that our priests and brothers will place them into the hands of St. Jude and make sure they are lovingly remembered in our prayers, Novenas and Masses.
When you send your requests, may I humbly ask that you consider an offering for the poor in our missions in 54 countries around the world? Your gift of $15, $25, $35, or even $50 will provide tangible relief aid, such as food, medicine, clean drinking water and shelter… along with the love and hope of Jesus Christ.
Be sure to honor our Holy Mother with prayer. She is our best example of love, mercy and obedience to the Will of the Father.
May you be blessed with Jesus’ love and peace and may Our Lady protect, comfort and guide you every day of your life!
Wishing you the Hope of St. Jude,
Fr. Peter Sticco, S.A.C.
Novena Director
P.S. Please send your prayer requests along with your most generous gift today. I will make sure your prayer requests are remembered in the prayers, Novenas and Masses at our Shrine and on the tomb of St. Jude in the Vatican.