St. Peregrine, the Patron Saint of Cancer

Dear Friend of St. Jude, Are you or someone you love in need of physical or spiritual healing? Because illnesses, and especially cancer, are among the most urgent requests I receive, I invite you to take advantage of the miraculous healing powers of two powerful saints.
If you or someone you love has been stricken by cancer or another serious disease, St. Jude and St. Peregrine can intercede on your behalf. St. Peregrine is the patron saint of the sick, especially those suffering from cancer and other incurable diseases. Our beloved St. Jude is the saint of hopeless causes. Together, these saints offer hope and healing to the sick and to anyone who is suffering.
Peregrine Laziosi, was born in Forli, Italy in 1260. In his early years, he was active in politics and opposed the Pope. Later, he experienced a conversion that changed his life and led him to commit himself to serving God and others.
At the age of 60, Peregrine was suffering from cancer of the leg, and his doctor decided to amputate. The night before the operation, Peregrine prayed before an image of the crucifixion. The following day, the doctor arrived to perform the amputation and found no signs of cancer! Peregrine was miraculously cured! The news of Peregrine’s healing rapidly spread throughout the Church. Christians began to invoke his name and ask for his intercession for relief of their suffering and cures of their diseases. Peregrine was canonized in 1726. Since then, people’s devotion to St. Peregrine has grown far and wide.
Perhaps you are struggling with a health issue. Please know that St. Jude offers you hope, healing and a deeper relationship with God. St. Peregrine, too, offers hope and healing for cancer patients and others afflicted with serious illnesses.
I was suffering from stage three stomach cancer. The doctor had given me no hope of survival, but I trusted God and said the St. Jude prayer daily. I thank God and St. Jude for healing me and giving me a new life! – Lourdina
Thank you St. Jude for being there for me during my illness with breast cancer. I thought I was going to need three months of radiation after my surgery. I had my follow-up appointment last week and was surprised to find out that I did not need radiation or chemotherapy…nothing! I have felt your presence throughout this journey. Thank you, St. Jude, for being there for me. – Anonymous
Our Pallottine priests and brothers would be honored to pray for you and ask for St. Jude’s and St. Peregrine’s intercession on your behalf. All you need to do is send us your intentions… and put your trust and faith in Them through our ministry of prayer.
When you send your intentions, I hope you will send a gift to help support our important ministries in 54 countries around the world and right here at home. Your support helps bring help and hope to the poor and needy. Whether it’s food and medicine for AIDS-afflicted children in India…or education for isolated children in the Andes Mountains of Peru…or refugee aid for Catholics being persecuted in the Cameroon diocese of Africa – your blessings give me and my fellow priests and brothers the ability to bring lifesaving relief aid along with the love of Christ to the poor.
Your compassionate offering also helps to keep the doors of St. Jude Shrine open all year long for those seeking comfort and hope. Please share another gift of kindness today to help so many in need of hope.
My prayer is that the kindness you continue to share with our Circle of Hope ministry will be abundantly returned to you. You can continue to count on me to seek God’s hope and help on your behalf and for those you love.
Wishing you the Hope of St. Jude,
Fr. Peter Sticco, S.A.C.
Novena Director
P.S. Your gift today helps support all our Pallottine ministries, particularly our St. Jude Shrine and the poor we serve. Please be as generous as possible and don’t forget to send your prayer requests so they may be remembered in our prayers, Novenas and Masses at our Shrine, and on the tomb of St. Jude in the Vatican.