The Hope of St. Jude

Dear Friend of St. Jude,
You are a treasured member of our Circle of Hope, and I sincerely thank you for all you do for our ministries. Your kindness, compassion and generosity enable our priests and brothers to bring hope into the lives of people who live in darkness and despair. To thank you for your faithful support, I invite you to send your intentions and allow us to pray for St. Jude’s help in bringing your requests before God.
Our beloved St. Jude — Patron Saint of Hopeless Causes — has brought help and hope into the lives of thousands of people around the world. In fact, every week we receive hundreds of testimonials, like the ones shown in this letter.
I was recently diagnosed with breast cancer. The tumor is very large. When I found out, I immediately started a Novena to St. Jude asking for his intercession. I prayed that the cancer would be contained and not spread throughout my body. I started undergoing many tests to determine the status of the cancer and the method of treatment. Today, I was called (three days after my Novena ended) by my doctor and told that the cancer is contained and has not spread. Thank you St. Jude for the gift of life. I will be starting another Novena for the success of the treatment. ~ Pat
St. Jude helped me after more than a year of despair and frustration seeking employment. After praying to St. Jude for only 5 days, I was employed in a dream job in a position that will surely define the rest of my career. I owe it all to St. Jude and God’s grace. Thank you St. Jude! ~ Anonymous
I was depressed and drinking after a divorce. My friend told me about St. Jude. I started praying to him, and I met my new wife. I’m happy that God gave me this gift that changed my life. I am happy. Thank you St. Jude. ~ Alberto
Thank you St. Jude for your recent prayers. A heartwarming incident happened yesterday that could only be called a miracle. Our landlord actually lowered our rent for the next six months because she has seen us struggle to pay the rent due to not having either a job or disability income. In today’s world, people do not take the time to really help one another! Please continue to ask St. Jude to assist those in need throughout the world. We ask for special prayers for financial blessings and are thankful for this most recent financial miracle! ~ Anonymous
Everyone needs hope at some time in their lives. Perhaps this is one of those times for you. Is someone you care about facing a health crisis and in need of hope and healing? Is a relative dealing with an addiction or coping with depression? Perhaps you or someone you know is grieving the loss of a loved one. Please let us help.
We are honored to pray for St. Jude’s help in bringing your prayer requests before God today and every day. Simply send us your prayer intentions. I will watch my email for your reply.
When I receive your requests, I will offer them to St. Jude and trust that he will help you as he has done for so many others around the world. Our priests and brothers will remember them in our prayers, Novenas and Masses. Please know that we are always here for you, just as St. Jude is always on call to hear your prayers.
When you send your intentions, I prayerfully ask you to again open your heart to help us in our ministries to the poor in 54 countries around the world. Your offering will help provide tangible relief aid to the poor, including food, shelter, medicine and clean water… along with the love and hope of Jesus Christ.
I am deeply grateful to have you with me in answering Christ’s call to minister to the least among us. Your ongoing support of our mission saves countless lives every day and delivers the Good News to thousands who live in the darkness of not knowing the love of Christ. Together, we are making an extraordinary difference in the lives of the poor!
Please know that I keep you in my prayers, thanking God each day for your faithful support.
Wishing you the hope of St. Jude,
Fr. Peter Sticco, S.A.C.
Novena Director
P.S. Please send your prayer requests along with your most generous gift today. I will make sure your prayer requests are remembered in the prayers, Novenas and Masses at our Shrine and in daily Mass that is celebrated on St. Jude’s tomb in the Vatican.