Worry Less, Pray More!

Dear Friend of St. Jude,
These are certainly difficult times that we are living in, and I know that so many of you are concerned and worried about the future. Gas prices, food prices, rent – all seem to be going up as inflation continues to surge. Ongoing shortages, and now fears of a banking crisis, have led to a lack of confidence with the government. No wonder so many people are uncertain and fearful about the future.
On a more personal note, nearly every day I receive letters and emails from people requesting prayer for their personal intentions. Lack of financial resources, unemployment, family problems, health issues, substance abuse…there are so many concerns being faced by members of our St. Jude Shrine Family – concerns that can rob us of our peace and joy. We long for relief, but stress and anxiety overwhelm us. Where are we to turn?
We need to turn to God. In the Bible, God encourages His followers to “Fear not” and tells them “Don’t be afraid” over 300 times! We can be assured that God does not intend for us to spend our days preoccupied with anxiety and worry. In almost every chapter of the Bible, we are reminded how much God loves and cares for us. In St. Matthew’s Gospel, Jesus explains to his followers:
“Do not worry about your life, what you will eat or what you will drink …. Look at the birds of the air; they neither sow nor reap nor gather into barns, and yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not of more value than they? And can any of you by worrying add a single hour to your span of life? … Strive first for the kingdom of God and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well!” Matthew 6:25-33.
No doubt, St. Jude heard these words as they were first spoken 2,000 years ago. Now, he invites us to lift our needs and concerns to him so that he may present them to our loving God. It’s true: at this very moment, St. Jude is waiting to intercede on your behalf just as he has for so many others. Now is the time – pray and do not be afraid!
“I would like to thank St. Jude for all the blessings that he has given me. Last year, I lost my job which was sudden and unexpected. I lost hope and was depressed. I started the St. Jude Novena for nine days. On the 5th day, I received a call for an interview for a new job. A month passed. I did not receive any update on the job, but I did not lose faith. I started the Novena again, and before the end, I got a call for the new job and I had a job offer. My faith has just grown for St Jude, and I would like to thank him from the bottom of my heart.” – Malcolm
“My mother was in critical danger of losing her life after months of suffering with lymphoma cancer. I prayed desperately to St. Jude for him to help save my mother’s life. When the doctors told me that she was not expected to live, I went to see her a final time. That night, she miraculously recovered. She eventually left the hospital and lived to be 102 years-old! Thanks to God! Thanks to Jesus! Thanks to St. Jude!” .” – Michael
“I am an adult learner, preparing to sit for a very important exam after leaving school for more than 25 years. I knew it was only St. Jude that could help with this difficult task, so I embarked on a 9-day Novena to him to help me pass this exam. My brothers and sisters, I did not just pass, but I passed very well. I encourage everyone with a difficult need to run to him with it. Nothing is too hard for St. Jude. Thank you, my best saint.” – Winifred
You and I know that our Lord Jesus always hears your prayers! Unfortunately, our fear sometimes gets in the way of our faith. But just as these testimonials reveal, through the intercession of St. Jude, Patron of the Impossible, God can do great things. Do not be afraid!
Once we receive your prayer requests, our priests and brothers will lift them up to the Lord in our Masses and Novenas. I hope you will send them to us today – and when you do, would you prayerfully consider enclosing a donation? I know that times are hard for many of you, but please know that our missions around the world are struggling too. Your donation will help provide food, medicine, clean drinking water and shelter to the poor and needy in 54 countries around the world. Please know that there is no such thing as a small donation – every dollar you send is a blessing to St. Jude Shrine and to those in need. For this, we are eternally grateful!
Wishing you the hope of St. Jude,
Fr. Peter Sticco, S.A.C.
Novena Director
P.S. You are not alone; we are praying for you and with you. Rest assured that your prayer requests will be remembered not only in the prayers, Novenas and Masses at our Shrine, but at the tomb of St. Jude in the Vatican as well. God bless you!