The Foot of the Cross

Dear Friend of St. Jude,
We have spent the last 40 days preparing for this one special day. We’ve fasted, prayed, asked forgiveness, and we’ve journeyed with Christ to the foot of the cross. So, today we celebrate Jesus’ resurrection – the one act that turns our hope in things to come into a promise of everlasting life. Happy Easter to you and all those you hold dear!
On behalf of our Pallotine priests and brothers, thank you for all you continue to do to support our ministries. You are an indescribable blessing!
The Resurrection of Jesus is the holy event which forms the foundation of our Christian beliefs. I always find the Gospel reading for Easter Sunday to be a good source of reflection and direction for the months ahead. This year that reading comes from John 20:1-9:
“…Mary of Magdala came to the tomb early in the morning, while it was still dark, and saw the stone removed from the tomb. . . They have taken the Lord from the tomb, and we don’t know where they put him.”
In a previous Easter sermon, Pope Francis reminded us that the women had gone to anoint the Lord’s body and instead found themselves standing before a surprise. Even though Jesus kept telling his friends that He would rise on the third day, they were still surprised that He was not there.
And that’s the way that God often works. He surprises us and touches our hearts. Just when we feel hopeless, the Lord sends us someone to lift our spirits, help us out of a difficult situation, or bring us hope to persevere in the face of trials.
Here at the Shrine, our priests and brothers continue to ask St. Jude to intercede for those who feel lost and hopeless. Particularly at Easter time, we ask the Risen Lord to be a source of comfort and love to those in need.
As Pallottines, we strive to bring a message of hope to people who are struggling around the world. With your help, we built parishes and brought the Sacraments to people in Peru who were in desperate need of spiritual guidance. Additionally, we were able to open an orphanage and provide needy children with food, shelter, and an education.
In India, our Pallottine Sisters continue to care for 25 abandoned little girls who are suffering with HIV/AIDS. With your assistance, our Sisters provide food, clothing and shelter, and also meet the children’s extensive medical needs.
Here at St. Jude Shrine in Baltimore, your donations have enabled us to replace our old, leaking roof and construction has already begun on interior restorations. With your prayers and financial support, we hope to be a place of help and hope for another 100 year.
Please consider making a generous gift today to help our missionaries continue to bring help and hope to needy people in 54 countries around the world. Together, as Easter people, we bring the Lord’s love and message of eternal life to many waiting to hear words of hope.
I thank you sincerely for being a faithful member of our Circle of Hope and for believing in us and our ministries. I trust I can count on you to continue your support. This Easter – as we celebrate Jesus’ Resurrection – let’s share the joy of the Risen Christ with all those around us.
Please don’t forget to send me your intentions – those deep within your heart for family or friends who are struggling. Our priests and brothers place your intentions in the hands of St. Jude and make sure they are remembered in our prayers, Novenas and Masses.
May the Risen Lord be a source of hope-filled celebration for you and your family.
In Christ, our Risen Savior,
Fr. Peter Sticco, S.A.C.
Novena Director
P.S. Please send your prayer requests along with your most generous gift today. I will make sure your prayer requests are remembered in the prayers, Novenas and Masses at our Shrine and in daily Mass that is celebrated on St. Jude’s tomb in the Vatican.